RACGP Specialist Pathway Program is changing
From 3 September 2018, the RACGP’s Specialist Pathway Program (SPP) is being replaced by the Specialist Recognition Program (SRP). Here's what you need to know.
Key Timelines - action by 31st Aug
To be assessed under the current SPP arrangements, you must:
- Create a RACGP profile and pay the assessment fee by 31st August 2018.
- Complete and submit your RACGP application by 14th September 2018. This requires an accepted job offer and AMC candidate number.
What are the main changes?
1. Categorisation Vs. Comparability Assessment
The new scheme introduces a comparability assessment that applicants are required to undertake prior to applying for entry into the Program.
While the primary consideration for categorisation under the SPP was the applicant’s specialist training and qualifications, the comparability assessment under the SRP encompasses all of the following:
- Recency of practice (12 months comparable FTE general practice in the 36 months prior to application; at least four weeks in the preceding 12 months)
- Continuity of practice
- Participation in CPD (50 hours in the previous 12 calendar months and evidence of self-reflective activity)
- Specialist qualifications held
- Route taken to attain qualifications
- Type of examination completed to obtain qualification
- Experience in general practice
- Any additional qualifications held
N.B. An accepted job offer is not required for comparability assessment purposes, so you may commence the process before securing a position.
The outcome of the comparability assessment is that the applicant is assessed as either substantially, partially or not comparable to the standard of an Australian-trained GP.
Substantially Comparable
- Applicants have completed a training program similar to RACGP including summative assessments, formal education programs, supervised in-practice training in a supported clinical environment.
Partially Comparable
- Applicants have obtained their specialist qualification by an experience-based pathway, largely comprising supervised clinical work (which may or may not include formative assessments or formal education programs) in predominantly less than 75% comparable work experience (or can show they have addressed the gaps in that curriculum by subsequent study, CPD, clinical exposure or other relevant experience).
Not Comparable
- Applicants who received their qualifications via grandfathering, reciprocal arrangements or other honorary routes are deemed non-comparable.
2. Category 1 vs. Substantially Comparable
Substantially comparable candidates will qualify for Fellowship Ad Eundem Gradum (FAEG) and vocational recognition (as did category 1 candidates under the SPP).
The SRP introduces workplace-based assessment (WBA) as an additional post-FAEG requirement between three and six months’ FTE after commencing work in Australia. This includes a Clinical Assessment Visit (CAV), in which applicants are assessed by an RACGP assessor in the clinical environment. If candidates are unsuccessful after completing two CAVs, they will be reported to AHPRA for non-compliance as per the requirements of the MBA Registration Standard.
3. Category 2 vs. Partially Comparable
Under the SRP, applicants who qualify under a partially comparable curriculum will have the opportunity to show they have addressed the gaps in that curriculum by subsequent study, CPD, clinical exposure or other relevant experience. They may then be deemed substantially comparable.
New Application Process
1. Comparability Application
- Online form with supporting documentation is submitted
- An administrator reviews and allocates for assessment (2 assessors). This process takes up to 10 weeks (however this could be longer if further evidence is required by RACGP)
2. Comparability Outcome
Substantially Comparable
Applicants who are deemed Substantially Comparable must complete the entry requirements and are then awarded Fellowship Ad Eundem Gradum (FAEG).
Entry Requirements:
- Become a financial member
- Submit pathway application form
- Complete registration requirements
- Certificate(s) of good standing (COGS)
- Contract
- Mentorship details
Once FAEG is awarded, applicants can apply for AHPRA specialist registration and Medicare GP recognition (substantially comparable candidates can access A1 rebate). Upon commencing general practice in Australia, they complete the following requirements:
Post-Fellowship Requirements:
- Complete the RACGP core modules.
- Satisfactorily complete a DISQ and self-reflection.
- Satisfactorily complete a workplace-based assessment, including a CAV, between three and six months’ FTE after commencing work in Australia.
- Repeat the CAV, unless it was satisfactorily completed on the first attempt.
- Commence work in an Australian comprehensive general practice within six calendar months of obtaining FAEG.
- Complete at least six months FTE in comprehensive Australian general practice under mentorship.
Cost: between $4,285 and $5,535
Partially Comparable
Applicants who are deemed Partially Comparable must complete the entry requirements and work under supervision until they meet the requirements for FAEG and vocational recognition.
Entry Requirements:
- Become a financial member
- Submit pathway application form
- Registration requirements
- Certificate(s) of Good Standing (COGS)
- Contract
- Mentorship details
- Sign Pathway Agreement
- Complete competency profile
Post-Fellowship Requirements:
- Core modules within six months full-time equivalent (FTE) of commencing work in Australian general practice.
- Complete a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course within the 12 calendar months prior to applying for Fellowship. The requirements are detailed in RACGP’s Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Advanced Life Support Courses Guidance Document.
- Complete training in the early management of trauma and advanced life support (ALS) completed within the four years prior to applying for Fellowship. The requirements are detailed in RACGP’s Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Advanced Life Support Courses Guidance Document.
- Participants must be supervised in practice, and the supervision must:
- be undertaken by a RACGP Fellow or by a practitioner who is accepted by their peers as an excellent general practice clinician; and
- meet the Medical Board of Australia’s Guidelines: Supervised Practice for International Medical Graduates
- Satisfactorily complete the CAV six months' FTE after commencing work in Australia
- Pass RACGP’s Applied Knowledge Test (AKT), Key Feature Problem (KFP) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) within 24 months FTE of the date of Program commencement.
- Pass all three examination segments within a three-year period from their first examination pass. All passes will expire after this three-year period.
Cost: between $13,750 and $15,750
How can we help?
Contact our in-house Regulatory and Migration team to discuss the options available to you: rms@wave.com.au or call +612 8353 9098
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