We’re proud to welcome the Ccentric to the Wavelength Group. With Ccentric’s over 20 years of experience placing top healthcare professionals in executive roles, Wavelength can make sure our doctors have the support, guidance and leadership they deserve. Healthcare managers, executives and academics will continue to benefit from the specialised service of Ccentric while accessing Wavelength’s vast network of employers.
Wavelength and Ccentric work with many hospitals exclusively across Australia and New Zealand on roles at the Healthcare Executive Management and Healthcare Administration level. Salaries and benefits can vary considerably and we’re here to provide career advice including expected salary and benefits packages for Executive and Director level jobs in both the public and private sectors.
A key role we recruit for is the Director of Medical Services (DMS). A Director of Medical Services can expect to earn a salary between $300,000 and $500,000 per year for permanent roles dependent on experience.
There is also considerable demand for locum placements, particularly in rural areas. Locum Director of Medical Services contracts tend to be one month or longer (three to six months) with hospitals favouring doctors who can cover a whole period for continuity. Locum Director of Medical Services candidates can expect to earn pay rates around $2000 - $2500 per day.