Regulatory & Migration Services

for doctors seeking to work in Australia

Regulatory and migration advice. 

Our specialist team are on hand for efficient, detailed management of paperwork for your placement. 

  • Prompt and detailed advice to ensure a smooth transition to your new role and location. 
  • Meticulous attention to detail across all aspects of your placement. 
  • Management of regulatory requirements, Medicare and prescriber numbers. 
  • Immigration advice and assistance. 

Contact us

What services does Wavelength’s regulatory team offer our doctors?

Once you’ve secured a position through Wavelength, our regulatory team swings into action. Our years of experience, up-to-date knowledge and network of contacts at regulatory bodies ensure you're in the best hands while transitioning to working as a doctor in Australia. Our rigorous processes and attention to detail ensure you comply with all regulations relevant to your medical speciality. 

Wavelength regulatory services include:

  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration
  • Medical college application
  • Distribution Priority Area (DPA ) advice for General Practitioners
  • District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) advice for specialists
  • Assistance with Primary Source Verification application (AMC & EPIC)
  • MCNZ applications, including Vocational, Provisional General and Locum Tenens
  • Medicare provider and prescriber number applications including 19AB exemptions and Academic exemptions

What services does Wavelength’s migration team offer our doctors?

If you’ve accepted a position through Wavelength and require migration services, our Registered Migration Agents are ready to help you all the way to your new role.  

Using years of experience, our team can anticipate and solve common issues around visa applications and is equipped to take care of migration paperwork, adhering to the Code of Conduct of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). 

Wavelength migration services include:

  • Immigration assistance for subclass 482 sponsorship, nomination and visa applications
  • Immigration assistance for employer-sponsored subclass 186 visa applications
  • Immigration assistance for other temporary and permanent visa options
  • Advice and assistance with migration for family members of doctors placed by Wavelength

Meet the team

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Claire Ponsford



Elinor Faulkner

Reg & Mig Team Leader

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Leiara Ferrett

Migration Agent

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Alex Graham

Migration Agent


Ebony Kouka

Regulatory Consultant

What our doctors have to say

  • “The whole medical registration process seemed so daunting at first, I almost gave up. Thanks to Wavelength, my dream to work as a GP in Australia is now a reality. With Wavelength’s help, the whole process seemed like a pleasant walk in the park!”

    Dr Pavel Belokopytov
    General Practitioner
  • “Throughout the process of my move from the United Kingdom to Australia, the Wavelength Migration team provided timely support and excellent service, being accessible and responsive at all times. Moving countries is understandably stressful and I remember having so many uncertainties, the team was able to contain that anxiety professionally and provided succinct and accurate expectations and suggestions at the time of my application.”

    Dr Kelvin Leung
    Psychiatry Registrar

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