Important Information for GPs relocating to Australia
The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Early Management of Trauma and Advanced Life Support (ALS) certification requirements have changed for Specialist Recognition Pathway applicants.
Our in-house Regulatory and Migration team shares the details of this latest update for General Practitioner’s looking to relocate to Australia.
What is changing?
Doctors now require early management of trauma and Advanced Life Support training (ALS) completed within the four years before entry to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Specialist Recognition Pathway (SRP).
Does the change affect any other applications, what else might I need to consider?
In addition, the ALS training is required to be valid for the award of Fellowship Ad Eundum Gradum (FAEG). Evidence of a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course completed within the twelve calendar months prior to acceptance of an application into the SRP and FAEG is also required. Applicants under the previous pathway, which closed in September 2018, can undertake this training after their arrival in Australia.
How do you prove training completion?
Once you’ve applied for the SRP comparability assessment and are found substantially or partially comparable, your early management of trauma and ALS and CPR training certificates will need to be provided to RACGP along with a signed Pathway agreement. The process is set out in a new chart on the RACGP’s website - RACGP process.
When should you update your training?
Relocating GPs should consider updating their training as soon as possible if their early management of trauma and ALS course was completed more than three and a half years before lodging their RACGP comparability assessment application. The course needs to cover the requirements set out in the RACGP’s Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Advanced Life Support Courses Guidance Document.
Courses can be difficult to book into, so if you’re a General Practitioner contemplating a move to Australia, consider booking your early management of trauma and ALS course well ahead of time.
If you have any further questions, our in-house Regulatory & Migration team is here to help. Contact our Registered Migration Agents and Australian Regulatory experts by emailing or calling +612 8353 9098.