Interview CV techniques in 2021 1

Interview & CV top tips from industry experts

Wavelength recently attended the Creative Careers in Medicine event which provided two days of intense education, inspiration, and creativity aimed at harnessing the unique super-powers that every doctor possesses to unlock new possibilities, blaze new trails, and truly make a difference!

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event couldn’t be hosted in person. However, thanks to video conferencing, the event became a global affair, and Wavelength was honoured to deliver a special workshop session on CV and interview tips. To ensure that we provided you with the best information possible, we asked three experts for their valuable insights:

  • Dr. Sarah Dalton - Paediatric Emergency Physician, Westmead Hospital and Director of Clinical Engagement eHealth NSW,
  • Shane Solomanto - Partner at GAICD
  • Dr. Melissa NaidooCMO and Head of Clinical Innovation at nib Health Funds

 We are delighted to be able to share their expertise with you in the videos below. 

Identifying your non-clinical skills 

Finding a job in your area of interest

How to stand out in a cover letter and CV 

How does a corporate interview differ from a medical interview?

What does a successful interview look like? 

How to identify your non-clinical skills

Dr. Sarah Dalton and Dr. Melissa Naidoo talk about how you can identify your non-clinical skills. Too often, doctors pigeonhole themselves and don't realise just how transferrable many of their skills are. Watch below for more!

How to find a job in your area of interest

Learn about the many considerations a person needs to take when searching for a new role. How you can work out what's important to you, understand what would be expected of you and how you can utilise mentors during this process.

How to stand out in a cover letter and CV

Personality, relevant skills, loyalty, and attention to detail are just some of the things our experts look for when reviewing a cover letter or CV. Watch below for tips on how you can stand out from the crowd and land that dream job.

How does a corporate interview differ from a medical interview?

Our experts call on their previous experience to pinpoint what differs between a corporate and medical interview and what you need to know in order to prepare. 

What does a successful interview look like?

As interviews can vary depending on who interviews you, our experts discuss what they look for when hiring doctors into divergent careers in medicine and what is needed for all interviews, no matter what the role.

If you're interested in pursuing a divergent career in medicine or would just like to learn more about what your options are, please get in touch today.

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