Regulatory and migration services for healthcare employers

Our in-house regulatory and migration services support both doctors and healthcare providers, independently of recruitment. Need help bringing on a doctor you already found? We've got you covered.

Our dedicated and trusted team of MARA registered migration agents navigate the complex regulatory and migration process, so you don’t have to. We are highly skilled at finding clear pathways for doctors to start jobs as soon as possible and are experienced in knowing the right time to provide the right documentation.

Find out more below, or contact us to discuss your options.

What regulatory and migration services do we offer doctors and healthcare employers?

Our regulatory and migration expertise is offered to both doctors directly as well as healthcare employers who have found a doctor but need help with the regulatory and migration credentialing processes: 

  • Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA) registration
  • Medical College application
  • Area of Need application
  • District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) advice
  • Assistance with Primary Source Verification application (AMC & EPIC)
  • MCNZ applications, including Vocational, Provisional General and Locum Tenens
  • Medicare provider and prescriber numbers including 19AB exemptions and Academic exemptions
  • Immigration assistance for temporary skilled shortage program, nomination and visa applications
  • Immigration assistance for employer nomination scheme visa applications
  • Immigration assistance for other temporary and permanent visa options

What are the benefits of working with our regulatory and migration team?

  • Ensures 100% compliance with all regulatory and migration administrative requirements
  • Minimises processing time
  • Keeps you one step ahead as we understand the common issues and complications that arise and have the expertise to anticipate and resolve issues in advance
  • You are kept immediately up to date on any regulatory or migration changes thanks to our strong relationships with key contacts at regulatory bodies
  • Finds pathways for doctors you may not otherwise be able to employ

Case Study: Empowering Regional Healthcare

Discover how our team, specialising in immigration and visa services, helped a regional healthcare provider address critical nursing shortages in preparing and lodging employer nomination applications for more than 110 nursing positions.

Connect with Our Regulatory & Migration Experts

Get in touch to discuss how we can assist your overseas candidates.

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What our doctors and clients have to say

Migration Agents Registration Number (4)