Australia’s health ministers have approved a new registration standard for internationally qualified medical specialists (SIMGs).
To access the new pathway, specialists must hold qualifications on the Expedited Specialist pathway: accepted qualifications list.
Eligible qualifications include:
- Membership of the Irish College of General Practitioners (MICGP) from 2009 and Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST).
- Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP) from 2012.
- Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (UK) from 2007 and Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
Specialist qualifications in anaesthetics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and psychiatry will be included in the approved list in December 2024, following a thorough assessment process.
Other medical specialties will be gradually incorporated into the Expedited Specialist pathway, in line with the workforce priorities established by Australia’s health ministers.
The goal is to reduce regulatory barriers and allow SIMGs to see Australian patients more quickly, while maintaining high standards.
Safety and Supervision:
- Specialists on the pathway must meet the same registration standards as other doctors (e.g., English language proficiency, criminal history check, and recency of practice).
- Specialists will undergo 6 months of supervision by an Australian-registered specialist.
- Orientation to Australia's health system and cultural safety education are mandatory.
What happens if I am already on a specialist pathway?
If you are currently enrolled on a specialist pathway and meet the eligibility requirements for the Expedited Specialist pathway, and:
- have limited registration, you can apply for specialist registration through the Expedited Specialist pathway when it opens OR wait until your limited registration is up for renewal and then relinquish it once your specialist registration is approved. If you haven't fulfilled the necessary supervised practice requirements, your specialist registration will come with conditions that will help you meet those requirements.
- have provisional registration, you can either continue on the Specialist pathway with your provisional status OR apply for specialist registration when the Expedited Specialist pathway becomes available. If you haven't fulfilled the necessary supervised practice requirements, your specialist registration will come with conditions that will help you meet those requirements. Once you have completed all the necessary criteria, you may qualify for both general and specialist registration.
If you have a pending application for limited registration (including a renewal) when the Expedited Specialist pathway opens, AHPRA will reach out to you to discuss your options.
Stay tuned as more details are confirmed in the coming days. In the meantime, reach out to our Regulatory & Migration Services team to see if you qualify.
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