
RACGP pledges to streamline the Practice Experience Program

Written by Admin | Sep 27, 2024 6:18:18 AM
5 min | News

Major changes may be on the horizon for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) as the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) commits to streamlining the Practice Experience Program (PEP) application process, aiming to alleviate healthcare workforce shortages without compromising on the standards of healthcare quality and patient safety. 

The prospective changes stem from the final outcomes of the 'Independent review of overseas health practitioner regulatory settings’, popularly referred to as 'the Kruk report.' 


The changes being considered include: 

  • Lowering of the curriculum comparability requirements to >75% (currently >85%) to be considered substantially comparable and >50% (currently >65%) to be considered partially comparable.  

"This could result in some partially comparable qualifications being classified as substantially comparable and some presently PEP-ineligible applicants being able to apply as partially comparable!" - Alex Graham, Wavelength Migration Agent

  • Streamline the comparability assessment criteria by removing the requirement for applicants to demonstrate reflective practice by writing 10 clinical case analyses, loosening CPD requirement to allow applicants to demonstrate any 50 hours of CPD, and update the recency assessment to better recognise locum work. 
  • Making the formative assessment for SIMGs commencing practice in Australia less burdensome by making Multi Source Feedback optional and remove the requirement for reflective essay as part of the assessment undertaken upon commencement of practice in Australia. 
  • Reducing the minimum time on the PEP from 6 months to 3 months to facilitate a quicker transition to FRACGP/GP recognition/Specialist registration. 


We’re delighted to see the RACGP addressing the looming general practitioner workforce shortage that Australia is facing and acknowledging that that the current regulatory settings are unnecessarily adding burden to the migration process for IMGs and SIMGs. We hope the above recommendations will be implemented soon, streamlining the registration process for PEP candidates. We’ll keep you updated on any developments as they occur. Stay tuned!


Alex Graham
Migration Agent (MARN: 1795080)

Phone: +61 2 8353 9081

Ebony Kouka
Regulatory Consultant

Phone: +61 2 8353 9081