
Stay informed and educated about key events and changes in the healthcare sector. Read the latest news, and how it impacts you.

RMA19 team at event WavelengthMedicalRecruitment

Rural medicine, a true calling #RMA19

RMA 2019 - an insightful, educational & vibrant event. Our team attended the conference in October, read on about their experience.

A new era in Medical Administration
Trends Medical Careers News

A new era in Medical Administration

How is technology shaping the world of medical management? At #RACMA19 we heard about the challenges facing a new era of Medical Administrators.

Dr Sachin Patel 20 Years Wavelength Medical Recruitment
Medical Careers News

20th Anniversary chat - Q&A with Dr Sachin Patel

In celebrating our 20th Anniversary, we're talking to Doctors who've been with us since the early days... Dr Sachin Patel talks about his career.

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Specialist Recognition Program changing to Practice Experience Pathway

From 1st of September, the Specialist Recognition Program (SRP) is being superseded by the Practice Experience Pathway (PEP) Specialist Stream. Read on for our rundown on the PEP.

Dirken blog
Medical Careers News

Wavelength Doctors – Where are they now?

As part of our 20th birthday celebrations, we're excited to shine a spotlight on some Doctors who joined us in the early days. Read on about Dr Dirken Krahn.

GP doctor child blog banner

New Health Workforce Classification for GPs

From 1st July 2019, a new health workforce classification system is in place for GPs and Bonded Doctors with DPA replacing DPS.

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Looking back over 20 years with nostalgia

Come with us for a trip down memory lane as we celebrate 20 years in business.

Overseas Doctor

DWS is being replaced by DPA

DWS has now been replaced by DPA (Distribution Priority Areas). Our in-house Regulatory and Migration team share with you what has changed.

FB Post RANZCP2019

#RANZCP2019 - An inspiring meeting of the minds.

This is what you missed at last month's RANZCP 2019 Psychiatry Congress in Cairns, Australia.

UK Passport

RACGP Fellowship - New Pathway for IMGs

IMG’s now have a new pathway to RACGP Fellowship as of 1st September 2019. Our expert Regulatory and Migration team shares all you need to know.

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