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Stay up to date with news, views and interviews written by influential thought leaders in Australasian medicine.


Over 200 healthcare employers have had their say!

Over 200 healthcare employers have had their say in our health workforce research report, says Dr John Bethell, director and medical recruitment expert

Medical Careers

Is Australian healthcare prepared for the future?

Is Australian healthcare prepared for the future? asks Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and international medical recruitment specialist

Medical Careers

Please don’t send me to work in the country doc!

Please don't send me to work in the country doc! Benefits of working in outback Australia - Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and medical recruitment expert

Medical Careers

Seven cardinal sins of medical resume writing

Seven cardinal sins of medical resume writing: how to write a great medical resume by Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and medical recruitment expert

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Medical Careers

Why are Australian GPs happier than most

Why are Australian General Practitioners happier than most? Dr John Bethel investigates why GPs in Australia enjoy their work so much.


Why being a BRW “Best Place to Work” three years in a row means so much to us

Why being selected as a BRW Best Places to Work three years in a row means so much to us! - Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and medical recruitment expert

Trends Medical Careers

How many doctors will Australia need in 30 years from now?

How many doctors will Australia need 30 years from now? asks Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and international medical recruitment expert


Promoting your Employment Brand – the Wavelength way

How to promote your employer brand or EVP the Wavelength way, by Dr John Bethell, Wavelength director and international medical recruitment specialist

Medical Careers

Do medical recruiters deserve a bad reputation?

Medical Recruiters and the overall recruitment industry, can often face negative feedback & perspectives from the public but do they deserve it? Read more!

Medecins Sans Frontieres

What I admire about Médecins Sans Frontières

Dr John Bethell tells us why he admires Médecins Sans Frontières and believes they have a world-class 'employment brand'.

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